
GETINGE是瑞典專業製造滅菌機(Sterilizer)及隔離操作器(Isolator)的廠商,提供實驗操作客戶最安全信賴的流程與環境,特別是針對在BSL 3及BSL 4等級的實驗室,GETINGE在全球有極豐富的完整經驗。

Diaphragm isolated instrumentation

Pressure transducers and gauges are isolated from the chamber by sanitary diaphragms. This eliminates capillary piping which accumulates stagnant water in the process system (where microorganisms may multiply)

Door sealing mechanism

Choose from Getinge's traditional active door gasket or the revolutionary 'Slideloc'tm passive system. the active gasket in mechanically simple and inherently reliable while Getinge's Slideloc System does not rely on utilizes to maintain the seal between chamber and door.

Bioseal connections

Sealed conduits are provided through the bioseal for electrical connections (with 100% redundancy). All pneumatic lines are provided with membrane filters.

Biological sealing flange (bioseal)

Typically a double door GEB autoclave is a part of the barrier between the hot and cold zone. As such, it should be treated with the care, attention and respect as any other part of the barrier, such sealed, and be guaranteed to remain so far it's design lifetime. The cross contamination seal of a standard double door autoclave cannot do this due to thermal stresses and sealing materials typically used. Getinge's Bioseal combines bolted stainless steel panels, a rubber gasket and a wall flange that is installed in the building fabric. The design is independently validated and certified

Isolating valves & injection ports

The process and drain piping system is provided with isolating valves and chemical (typincally formaldehyde) injection ports to allow safe maintenance and filter changing.


1. Small GEB Steam Sterilizers - 600 Series.

Fully automatic high-presure steam sterilizers with a single vertical sliding door, or two vertical sliding doors for pass-through operation.

Standard chamber volume:

10 to 26 ft^3 (0.3 to 0.8 m^3)

2. Medium-size GEB Steam Sterilizers - 900 Series

Fully automatic high-pressure steam sterilizers with a single vertical sliding door, or two verical sliding doors for pass-through operation.

Standard chamber volume:

21 to 36 ft^3 (0.6 to 1.1 m^3)

3. Large/Bulk GEB Steam Sterilizers - 1400 and 2200 Series

Sterilizers with automatic horizontal sliding door(s) for large-scal applications. They can be pit-mounted for converient floor loading.

Standard chamber volume:

47 to 590 ft^3 (1.4 to 17 m^3)

Specially designed for the application

The Getinge GEB Series is a standardized rang of dedicated autoclaves, specifically designed fo use in BSL 3 and 4 facilities.


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